About Us

JohnnysInAJiffy.com was set up in August 2004 by Scottish Entrepreneur Robert Kirk. He decided to set-up something fun and useful and wanted to try that something a bit different from the norm.

Robert come up with the idea for the website after realising how much he was spending on a weekly basis on Durex condoms. Along with the many embarrassing times he went through to buy Durex in high street stores, he decided that an online store where people could buy their Durex online cheaply and from the comfort and privacy of their own home would be a winner.

Robert didn’t want to make the website a boring old online store simply selling a range of condoms. He wanted to add a bit of character and humour to the website and by doing the cartoons, logos and bright colours etc he believes he has achieved this. Robert also believes in and supports safe sex, and is in the progress of adding in lots of information on this website to give people advice on the usage of condoms.

By looking around the website it shows how much you can actually save by buying your Durex with us, with our Durex coming in at as little as 30p a condom compared to paying anything between £1-£2 in high street stores and pubs and clubs. And we sell branded DUREX condoms, none of those cheap alternatives.

JohnnysInAJiffy.com is based in Central Scotland, and we now send out Durex packs to customers all over the UK, we are also looking into expanding into Europe in the forthcoming months.

If you have any comments about our website or would like to advertise our website please get in touch with us at:


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